We work closely with leaders in organizations, agencies, educational institutions, communities of faith, corporations and businesses to customize trainings and workshops to your identified needs. Descriptions of current offerings include - Welcoming Diversity and Inclusion; Self-Care; Two Wings: Empowering Couples; Integrating Social Justice into Professional Ethics. Welcoming Diversity and Inclusion is the most vexing challenge facing all people in our country today; a moral imperative, a strategy for social change, and a personal commitment. How can we be part of the solution? How do we bridge the gaps that exist between those of different races, ages, faiths, genders, sexual identities, political orientations and financial abilities?
How do we move beyond polarization to mutual understanding, respect, collaboration and hope? We create a context for diverse individuals to come together and get to know each other as fellow human beings. We will increase awareness of the impact of systems of oppression and privilege as they inform our relationships, communities, schools and workplaces through skilled dialogue practices. Important to healing is creating an environment in which each person feels included and valued; we will create a culture that cherishes differences and diversity as essential to creativity, growth and optimal collective intelligence. We will generate a ground of understanding, compassion, collaboration and hope for creating an equitable and sustainable world for our children, our communities and our planet. We will introduce leadership skills that foster connections as allies across identity groups.